Жоба аясында тілдер мен мәдениеттер қауымдастығы желісі «Бір белдеу - бір жол»

Language educators representing more than 50 countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative have established the Belt and Road Languages and Cultures Network. This momentous collaboration, formalized in Beijing on Oct 16, seeks to break down language barriers and cultural misunderstandings on a global scale.

Ten years ago China laid the foundation for the BRI, paying tribute to the ancient Silk Road trade route that once stretched from China to Europe. The initiative’s reach has gradually expanded, encompassing regions in which about 60 different languages are spoken.

The Belt and Road Languages and Cultures Network is an international mechanism for collaboration on language and culture and is open to all parties, with the aim of promoting language education and cultural exchanges within the BRI framework as a non-governmental international organization.

For more information: https://brlcn.com/.


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