Cooperative Research in Non-Formal Education with Buketov University

Community of legal entities in the form of an association of teachers of English within the framework of an Agreement with the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the NAO “Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketov" participate in the research project IRN “Scientific-methodological foundations of the professional foreign language training implementation in the conditions of convergence of formal and non-formal higher education”


theoretical justification and methodological support of the process of implementation of professional foreign language training in terms of convergence of formal and non-formal higher education

Конвергентная модель


Task 1: Study of the problem field of research based on the analysis of scientific literature (concepts, theories, provisions)

Method of implementation: theoretical foundations of professional foreign language training implementation in the conditions of formal and non-formal higher education convergence will be defined, the essence of the concept "non-formal foreign language education" will be clarified and its role in the process of foreign language training will be defined.

Expected result: the study of the problem field of research and its analysis will contribute to the scientific justification for the development of a convergent model of professional foreign language competence of higher education students.


On February 24, 2024, there was held an online master class on the topic “Digital educational environment as a platform for implementation of advanced ideas in traditional and non-formal foreign language education” within the framework of the project АР19678268 "Scientific and methodological foundations for the implementation of professional foreign language training in the context of convergence of formal and non-formal higher education" under the grant funding of the Science Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The masterclass was presented by doctoral students R. Bobesh and A. Baltabaeva on the basis of Development Center of digital competencies “Smart-lab” at the laboratory on problems of language education of the Foreign Languages Faculty. The seminar was attended by teachers, undergraduates and doctoral students of the faculty. During the seminar participants discussed current problems and prospects for improving modern foreign language education. This discussion is a logical continuation of scientific research which shows the relevance of research in the field of foreign language education.

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