KazTEA expresses its gratitude to the U.S. Mission in Kazakhstan for
The conference goal: improve the quality of education in the era of digitalization
In cooperation with the American Corner, Shymkent and Teachers of English Association in Shymkent
The C5 + O.N.E.(Opening Networks through English) Educator (C5 + O.N.E Ed)) program aims to create a cohort of highly qualified English language teachers who can teach English in the C5 + O.N.E., English Access Scholarship Program and other English learning programs initiated by the U.S. Embassy in 5 Central Asian countries
KazTEA, in partnership with the British Council, launched a program targeted at
Mr. John Kotnarowski has spent the last 15 years teaching English to speakers of other languages. He has taught at universities in Ecuador, China and the U.S. and was an English Language Fellow in Moscow, Russia during the 2014-15 academic year. He is currently a Senior Lecturer and the Undergraduate Academic Writing Course Specialist for the English as a Second Language Writing Program within the Department of Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His teaching interests include all levels of academic writing, materials design and development, writing assessment, and supporting new writing teachers. Outside of teaching, he loves reading, fishing, and spending time outside with his wife and young daughter.
Peter A.Stepichev: PhD in Education, NATE Russia executive director, MELTA vice-president, teacher trainer and author, IVLP alumnus. His patented device “Grammar Blocks” and a series of educational games won the recognition in 2012 Moscow Teacher of the Year contest, resulting in getting a scholarship to study at Norwich (England) and Germany. He's currently working on surprise pedagogy concept, developing tools for EL teachers and learners and lecturing throughout Russia, Kazakstan and China.
Darya is an ELT Coordinator for Central Asia at ETS EMEA. She has vast experience in the sphere of education and management, including her roles as the Head of International Development, a language instructor and lecturer. Darya holds an Associate degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences from Parkland College, U.S., Bachelor of Science in International Business from NEOMA Business School, France, and Master of Economical Science from AlmaU, Kazakhstan. She is an alumni of U.S. Department of State’s FLEX program and European Union’s Erasmus + program scholar.
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