Since 2015 the President of the Association of English Language Teachers in Kazakhstan. At this position she has arranged and run 5 international conferences of KazTEA in cooperation with local TEAssociations, regional department of education and with the financial support of international partners, like Regional English Language Office (RELO), U.S. Embassy in Nur-Sultan, Assessment Center at OxfProfessional experience involves more than 30 years of teaching at school, lecturing at universities and consulting service regarding tri-lingual education in Kazakhstan. Being a co-founder and vice-president of TESh Tatyana has a good a 20-year experience as a teacher-trainer on topics related to blended teaching and autonomous learning.ord University Press in Kostanay, Shymkent, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Aktobe and Pavlodar.
Being the alumna of Hornby Educational Trust Tatyana conducted the Village Project Renaissance in 5 regions of the country. She is also an alumna of TESOL Exchange program and in 2018 at the TESOL Convention in Chicago she participated at RELO Fair and presented KazTEA and the Access Program in Shymkent and in Kazakhstan in general.
Professional experience involves more than 30 years of teaching at school, lecturing at universities and consulting service regarding tri-lingual education in Kazakhstan. Being a co-founder and vice-president of TESh Tatyana has a good a 20-year experience as a teacher-trainer on topics related to blended teaching and autonomous learning.

President of the PA "Association of English Teachers of Semey "TES"; an English FL teacher at the specialized military boarding school-lyceum “Zhas Ulan” named after Ch.Valikhanov for gifted children

President of teh PA of teachers of English North Kazakhstan and the city of Petropavlovsk "ATENK"; the US Department of State Fulbright TEA program(Montana, USA, 2015) and the program of Regional English Language Office of US Embassy in Kazakhstan American English E-Teacher Program alumni, trainer of teachers of English, senior manager at the Center of educational programs in "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools".

President of the PA "Association of English Teachers in Taraz" TATE; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Taraz Regional University "Dulati University".

Founder and president of the Association of English language teachers in Shymkent "TESh". Teaching experience includes the work of a teacher at a school, technical school, university, as well as the head of international relations at Miras University.
Co-founder and member of the Advisory Board of the National Association of English Teachers of Kazakhstan "KazTEA". From 1999 to 2014, she worked as a President/Vice President of the National Association of English Teachers of Kazakhstan "NATEK".
Co-founder, member of the Council of the Civil Alliance in Shymkent; delegate to the I, II and VIII forums of the Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan.
The international exchange program IVLP alumna: at the invitation of the US Department of State, for the purpose of exchange of experience, she participated in IVLP'2002 "University Administration and International Exchange Program" and IVLP'2010 "Alumni Association Leadership Development". In 2013, at the invitation of the British Council, she took part in the international conference IАTEFL for English language specialists.
Professional activities were closely intertwined with public ones, which made it possible to establish the development of international relations and become the coordinator of more than 30 grant projects aimed at popularizing the English language, among which the main projects were the “Village Project”, “English Access Microscholarship Program”, “Creation and development of a youth association Access alumni”, “Creation and development of the Model UN”.

President of the Association of English teachers in Ust-Kamenogorsk "Renaissance"; teacher researcher, teacher of English of the highest category at the School - gymnasium №10, Ust-Kamenogorsk

Since 1996 President of “TEK”, English Language Teachers’ Association in Kyzylorda region.
Head of the department of international relations, head of the group of international projects and scholarship programs, academic docent of the department of foreign languages and translation studies, candidate of philological sciences (PhD), Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University (KKSU), Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan.

President of the Association of English FL teachers of universities in Nur-Sultan, ALUTANS, Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov, Nur-Sultan

President of the PA "Association of English Teachers in Aktobe" AELTA;
English FL teacher at the secondary school-gymnasium №21 with training in three languages in Aktobe

Since 2022 Head of the Public Association "Association of Teachers and Teachers of English of the Akmola Region"; Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of English Language and Teaching methods, Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University.
Holder of the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak", USA, 2012-2013.
The owner of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best university teacher - 2014".
In addition to her active research and community work, Ainagul Ismagulova has coordinated many research and educational grants. The most significant of these include Pedagogical University Development Project ; Strengthening the psychological health of Kazakhstani schoolchildren as a factor in reducing the risks of cyberbullying in the process of online socialization, Access global program.
This academic year, Ainagul is administering 2 projects “A scientific and educational consortium of universities in Kazakhstan to reduce the gap between the quality of teaching English in urban and rural schools” (Ministry of Higher Education and Science grant) and “Scaffolding Pedagogical University Program” (sponsored by the Embassy of the U.S. in Kazakhstan, Astana). The objectives of the project are to increase English language capacity among secondary education English language teachers, improve English language curriculum for university and secondary education faculty through collaboration with an English language specialist.

NGO “SALT” President, PhD, Head of A.Baitursynov KSU International Office, alumna TEA 2005, E-Teacher-2010

President of the Public Association of English teachers in Pavlodar "PTEA". She has got over 16 years of teaching experience, which includes teaching both in college and private and mainstream schools. Currently she works at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Pavlodar. Completed a number of teacher training courses, including British Council Teacher Training and Learning Technologies courses. This year she has graduated from the Nazarbayev University magistracy in the specialty "Leadership in education (inclusive education)"
Anastassiya Panevina has established herself as a specialist who can work both individually and in a team, able, if necessary, to apply a creative approach and initiative when carrying out projects and assignments. Anastassiya has been coordinating the School Council of Mentors since September 2016. Within the framework of this project, Anastassiya supports both newly qualified teachers and experienced colleagues in building effective and successful cooperation between mentors, their mentees and critical friends.
Anastassiya collaborates with colleagues, regularly conducting Action Research. She has developed several teaching aids, including a teaching manual to help teachers prepare 10 grade students for an external assessment in English at NIS and a CLIL manual. She also actively shares her experience with teachers of secondary schools in the city, region and republic.
In 2015, she was awarded a Letter of Gratitude from the Regional Department of Education in Pavlodar and a Letter of Gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science, the National Center for Advanced Training of Teachers "Orleu" for the quality work done as part of the team to create a methodological guide for using online resources in English lessons.