Call for Interactive Language Fair at KazTEA 2016

Жұлдызды белсенді емесЖұлдызды белсенді емесЖұлдызды белсенді емесЖұлдызды белсенді емесЖұлдызды белсенді емес

Interactive Language Fair (ILF) is assigned as a Pre-Conference Event.

If you have an innovative theory or practice in TEFL then ILF allows you to showcase insights, experiments and innovations  in depth. The ILF event will be coordinated by Tatyana Letyaikina.

ILF Procedure: The presenters will make two-minute thumbnail presentations introducing themselves and highlighting the innovations they have made and invite the participants to visit their desks with posters, slides or videos. Once the thumbnail presenters are over, the participants will visit the presenters of their choice and ask questions, listen to the explanations in more detailed way, play games, try materials or activities, click through the slides and also exchange the information. It will be followed with the brief description of each of the presentations.

How to apply: Fill in the Application form and submit by March 31, 2016.

We’ll be happy to see you at KazTEA 2016, Pre-Conference Event!


Сапак Датка 2

Шымкент қ.


Қазақстан Республикасы

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