Current news from KazTEA Chapters

KazTEA and 21st Century, China Daily, cooperation

Association of English Language Teacher in Kazakhstan “KazTEA” and 21st Century English Education, China Daily, signed the Memorandum of Understanding for Collaboration for the progress of teachers of English as the Foreign Language and quality of English language teaching. Both parties agreed to cooperate in the areas, such as:

1.            The annual academic conferences of the Parties;

2.            The Belt and Road Languages Network;

3.            Academic exchange opportunities for English teachers

To promote cooperation and professional exchange Parties agreed to support local teachers’ participation at the events of both Parties, particularly  on registration pricing with 20% discount for each other’s members and to cover the registration fees for up to THREE delegates recommended by both associations. You’re welcome to read more about the Global English Education Assembly 2022 at

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