On April 2, 2022 the Orda school hosted a seminar of the Regional Association of Teachers of English on the topic "Effective teaching methods are the keys to success".
The president of the National Association of Teachers of English of Kazakhstan Tatyana Adygamovna Letyaikina, the teacher of English of the boarding school №3 of Zhanakorgan district Абибуллаева Жазира, the teachers of English of pedagogical high college after M.Mametova, the teachers of English of city schools took part in seminar. Kenshinbay Temirbolat Ybyraiuli, President of the Regional Association of Teachers of English, delivered a presentation on "TESOL 2022 Convention Program Overview".
The speakers Kim Natalia Moiseevna, Auezova Aigul Abylaikyzy, teachers of English at school № 2 named after Abaya with specialized classes for gifted children with learning in three languages, Yeleusizova Fariza Bektasovna, Mynbaeva Marta Omirzakovna, teachers of English of "Orda school" talked about interesting and effective methods of teaching English.
At the end of the seminar the teachers of English language have expressed their wishes that such seminars will be organized more often and they thanked the organizers. The president of the National Association of Teachers of English of Kazakhstan Tatyana Adygamovna Letyaikina expressed her opinion about the seminar and the speakers' presentations.
Vice-President of the Regional Association of Teachers of English Fazylova Lazzat Drakhmetkyzy summed up the results.