Association of English Language Teachers of Kazakhstan “KazTEA” in cooperation with PF “The Society Development Information Support Fund” (FIPRO) has launched the “Advancing English for Media Literacy” project funded by the Regional English Language Office, U.S. Embassy, Kazakhstan, in 16 cities within 4 cohorts in 2022.
The project goal is to strengthen Kazakhstan’s resilience to disinformation by increasing the media literacy capacity of 600 English language educators who will develop Kazakhstan’s next generation of responsible decision makers
During the 1st period (January - March) more than 100 English language teachers in 4 cities will do the MOOCourse “English for Media Literacy” on the LMS “Coursera” and take part in 7 facilitated sessions run by teacher-trainers from Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University (Kyzylorda), M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University (Taraz), A. Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University (Turkestan), Miras University (Shymkent) . Training on the themes of Media Literacy will be arranged by a trainer on behalf of the FIPRO to raise awareness of the project participants’ medial literacy competences to embed course materials into their own training programs at the educational institutions at proper level.