Call for KazTEA 1st PST Conference 2018

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This is the news for under- and post graduate students – future teachers of English FL and

future subject teachers who are involved into tri-lingual education in Kazakhstan and are being trained to implement CLIL at schools of all levels and types.

1st International KazTEA PST Conference 2018 ‘’Teaching and Learning English in Transition to Tri-Lingual Education: research, challenges and successes’ is scheduled for March 14-15, 2018, in Shymkent. The conference is organized in cooperation with the Teachers of English FL in Shymkent and South-Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University.

The organizing committee includes students of Shymkent Universities, members of EFL teacher’s associations from Shymkent (TESh), . Application form is due to arrive by February 9, 2018 to the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The PST Conference will cover the following topic areas:

1) Innovative pedagogical theories and strategies in teaching/learning English in Kazakhstan and worldwide

2) The role of an EFL teacher at present educational system in Kazakhstan

3) Alternative assessment: challenges and solutions for an individual growth

4) ICT application as a means of language learning for change

5) Subject and language learning: skills for the future

6) Cultural competence and language learning: implications for teaching, learning and leadership

7) Enhancement activity as a valuable aid to promoting learning environment

Format of Proposals:

1. Round table discussion in 7 topics areas (7-minute research-oriented presentation)

2Demonstration (50-minute practical-oriented presentation)

3. Poster Session (1 hour)

4. Workshop (50 minutes)

5. TEDx

To know more about the requriements follow the link or application form

CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS will be published online with an ISBN. Papers can be written in three formats: ResearchTeaching Practiceand Commentary, and in one of the 3 languages: English, Kazakh or Russian. Papers are due to arrive by February 20, 2018 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Research
  • Teaching Practice
  • Commentary

To know more about the requriements follow the here

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