KazTEA 2015 Program

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KazTEA 2015 Conference ‘Excellence in English Teaching and Research for better learning outcomes’ is

designed to enhance competency-based EFL teaching as well as develop EFL teacher’s proactivity via sharing best practices.

The KazTEA conference seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  • To discuss, share and give updates on topical issues that are pertinent to the EFL teaching and EFL research
  • To initiate and sustain meaningful professional dialogue across languages, levels, and settings
  • To develop creative responses to challenges of teaching and learning English in the view of competency-based teaching and governmental educational programs
  • To explore issues of change and innovation in English language teaching
  • To develop leadership and organizational skills of both leaders and regular members of KazTEA
  • To facilitate idea sharing to further foster development of linguistic, methodological, cultural, and communicative competence of English language specialists
  • To improve networking amongst professionals involved in the ELT sphere in Kazakhstan

KazTEA 2015 Program

Наши контакты

Сапак Датка 2

г. Шымкент


Республика Казахстан

  • dummy +7-777-370-80-58

  • dummy info@kaz-tea.kz

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